Introduce Yourself


Alex here, on a mission to reshape DeFi’s liquidity infrastructure with Mangrove :deciduous_tree:

In the DeFi realm, I’m playing the game but also buidling! I love testing out new protocols, collecting NFTs and making frens in DAOs. In my prior role leading risk with the Aave Genesis Team, I contributed to growing the protocol to $40B size and to fostering a dynamic decentralized community and governance system. :ghost:

Now, I’m spreaheading strategy at ADDMA, the brains behind ideas. I’m always up to chat groundbreaking products, disruptive collaborations, and reshaping DeFi. Hit me up here or catch me on X :seedling:

Looking forward to meaningful exchanges and growing Mangrove together :crocodile: :monkey:

:boot: :boot: :boot: :boot: :boot: :boot: :boot: Ready for take off? Lets Bootstrap the Mangrove :deciduous_tree: :deciduous_tree: :deciduous_tree: :deciduous_tree: :deciduous_tree: :deciduous_tree: :deciduous_tree:



I’m PhilH, also known as phil_h on X and Telegram.

I believe that DAOs present a significant opportunity for advancing large-scale coordination and commons. When leveraged effectively, technology can help us create organizations that distribute power and value more efficiently than traditional models have allowed.

Since 2015, I have been actively contributing to various DAOs in roles such as a contributor, co-founder, advisor, and writer. Within Mangrove’s core team, I’ve been wearing multiple hats, with my primary focus being the Governance Lead (a role that ultimately should disappear, once our governance processes are mature and decentralized).

I am open to discussing any topics related to decentralized organizations and am eager to challenge assumptions, including those that guided the design of Mangrove DAO’s model.

Looking forward to engaging in insightful discussions here!

Cheers :seedling:


Hello everyone,

I am Vincent a co-founder of the Mangrove project. We set out three years ago to create a new public good liquidity machine, an exchange that would make the most out of the composability of smart contracts and allow liquidity providers to maximise the efficiency of their capital. We have built it, and we set the system in motion! There is plenty of ideas in the drawer and many left to be had!


Hey guys!

Happy to connect! I’m Victor, also known around as bitc0x on X and Telegram where you can always reach out for me and I’ll be always ready to support.

With more than 5 years of web3 sales, growth and bd background, I now proudly serve as the Head of Business Development for MangroveDAO, focusing mainly on protocol integrations and strategic partnerships.

Looking forward to contributing along all of you to shaping DeFi’s future :saluting_face:

:deciduous_tree: :deciduous_tree: :deciduous_tree: :deciduous_tree: :deciduous_tree:


Hi Mangrovians,

On twitter I am @alex__eth, DAO Lead at Kleros a decentralized dispute resolution system. Kleros is also a Subjective Oracle that can be used in DAOs governance for things like Optimistic Governance, Budget Allocation, Supreme-Court as a Services etc. For those interested have a look at this video A case for separation of powers in DAOs.

I am very interested in MangroveDAO multicameralism set up, as it allows checks and balances of power. I do believe one current big issue with DAOs is this idea of “everybody should decide on everything” . This makes no sense in my view, that’s why I really like to see specific comitees having responsibilities and power over a precise scope ( Ecosystem and Protocol Councils).

I am glad to be here and happy to share my vision, explore synergies and eager to see how MangroveDAO will evolve. Looking forward to exchanging ideas with you !

All the best !

:deciduous_tree: :balance_scale:


Greetings fellow Mangrovians :deciduous_tree:,

I’m Gabi (Gabija), Product Lead at Mangrove :monkey_face:. I’m in the process of changing my X profile, however, if you’d like to connect- you can find me on X and Telegram.

A little bit about me :sunglasses:
My background in math and finance led me to this space during the DeFi summer of 2020. I was amazed by the freedom that DeFi offers and started digging into various whitepapers, trying various LP strategies and in general- playing with as many protocols as possible. During my leisure time now, I still delve into protocol whitepapers, however, being part of the DeFi native project, speaking at conferences and closely engaging with DeFi community has taken this interest in DeFi to another level. I believe decentralised finance allows us to have a public financial system that is fair, transparent and inclusive.

Having said that, I’m happy to have an opportunity to have a direct impact on this space. At Mangrove, I drive product development, design of new features and product roadmaps.

Looking forward to collaborating and advancing Mangrove’s vision. Reach out on Telegram for discussions and ideas!

Cheers :sunny: